Jerry Williams Suspension by AGN Not Justifiable…Young Journalists Forum & Weekenders Magazine.

By Joy Omagha Idam

It is often said that if we must go to equity then we need to go with clean hands. What does Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) seek to gain with the suspension of their member Jerry Williams Chidiebere. What does AGN Constitution say about hard substances. If they frown so much at it then why do they have many movies that depict use of substances. There are other ways of portrayal of Gangstar without use of drugs. The trending one now is portraying domestic violence in movies without proper ending to send a message to end it.

We want to say that personally the manner in which Jerry Williams was slammed that ban was wrong. We don’t know what the young Man is going through and bringing that to public space was not it. Yes your Press Statement read that you had been monitoring him for 6 months. Who did the monitoring?

Did they stay with him in his home? Is it enough to give up on your member who is financial ? Why not look for a rehab for him. Talk with him to know what is going on. Is the story about his using substance even true? What will AGN gain burying another young actor? I hope those who wanted him out of the way are happy now he is in the hospital battling for his life.

The AGN were too hard on Jerry Williams. They should have placed Colleagues close to him to help him pull through whatever caused that, if it’s true. If we test all the AGN members how many will come out clean. His own is drugs according to them. But am sure amongst the AGN members some are even into worse things like you find in different professions.

The AGN should have arranged for him to see a therapist and ensure they help Jerry Williams pull through not shame him. The young man is an awesome actor. A phenomenal actor. He has not hurt anyone. So where is all the allegations that warranted his suspension slam coming from. He is a sweet gentleman that was not even given fair hearing to defend himself.

Who made AGN judge over their colleague. When they can’t even censor some of the movies they act and shun out. If it’s not ritual movies, it’s betrayal, Domestic Violence, etc only few of the movies have great societal messages. Perhaps the censorship should start from there.

I want to believe that the Executive can do better than this. By Helping the young man pull through whatever caused the drug thing if at all it’s true. I have seen too many fine actors lowered down. I don’t want to see this phenomenal young man die or take his own life from this open rejection by an association he pays annual dues to and who are supposed to protect him.

Jerry Williams has never constituted himself a nuisance either in public or on set. Am shocked that even his close friends are not speaking up against this huge injustice and character assassination. Who wants the finest of AGN off the set.? What is his crime that he was not warned about. Where are evidences of efforts to cleanse him. ? Too many questions begging for answer.

As we would say in the JCI Creed, We believe that faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life.. that the brotherhood of Man transcends the sovereignty of nations, that Economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise. That government should be of laws rather than of men, that earth’s great treasures lies in human personality and that Service to Humanity is the Best work of life.

I therefore put it to the leadership of AGN that they failed Jerry Williams. Where is the Brotherhood. Where is the Service to humanity. If a brother is down you help him rise again. You protect him with everything?

It’s very painful to watch how people who wined and dined with Jerry Williams turned their back on him unfollowing him on Social Media. That’s so Sad. Why that’s enough to kill him don’t you know. AGN you can correct this wrong by Helping your member.

Jerry Williams is a bundle of talents I have watched that young man metamorphose over the years interpreting all his roles on point. Why shame him this way. It’s a No No. Where do we learn our own things from?

In Hollywood, Bollywood they don’t shame their colleagues the way we have done to Jerry Williams. Who wants him out of the Way.

Jerry Williams was born 26th September 1995, he is a celebrity, a movie actor, producer. He has starred in over 100 movies and came into limelight in 2010 with the movie “The Chosen King”. He is a Mechanical Engineering graduate from Unizik. Some of his awards includes; Best New Act to Watch at Africa. Most Promising Act at Africa Magic Viewers Choice Award. Best Actor in Supporting Roles at Africa Movie Academy Awards. Hails from Anambra. Aside acting he models clothes.

Thanks to all those who have Spoken out in his Defense condemning that suspension in your time of need Help will come. Chief Imo Anokwute Longinus, Ọbụm Blog, Tessy Amebo, Palazo, CECEF, Caring Sisters and too many I can’t mention here, thanks so much. Jerry Williams will bounce back.

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