We Must Start Telling The World Our Own Story!
This is the beautiful capital city of Ivory Coast, Abidjan. Breathtaking! You would think this was a city in Europe. But this is AFRICA!

But you will never see this photo in any Western magazine. Sometimes it almost feels as if there is deliberate policy to ban all that is beautiful about modern Africa.

All that they report about Africa is poverty, wars, famine and corruption and of course they never miss that African child with flies crawling all over his face.
Africans must realise it is time they told their own story, because nobody will do it for us. Not everywhere in China is beautiful but the Chinese have made sure all world must see are the skyscrapers in Shanghai.

The same way the West have deliberately shrunk the AFRICAN continent on the world map is the same way they have shrunk Africa’s beauty.
It is time we told the world the truth about our BEAUTY!