Clergywoman, Mother-In-Israel (Dr) (Arch.) Patience Osunkwo has tasked women in the Eternal Sacred Order of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church worldwide to continue loving God in the midst of life’s disappointment.

She also said that loving God in life’s disappointing situation is not an option but a necessity that is a path of victory and Righteousness.
Mother Osunkwo tasked the women on this in a paper she presented titled ” Loving God in life’s disappointmentat the just concluded 12th Baba Aladura’s Women Conference held recently at the Mount Zion National Headquarters in Lagos.
The theme for this year’s conference is ” Made Alive in Christ ” Ephesians: 2:5.
Loving God in times of trials she noted is very important and “it is evident that we do not love Him only in good times but it is an indication we would ever remain faithful to Him” citing an example of Job in the Bible.
She however called on the women to be steadfast in trusting and loving God, not allowing anything or circumstance to come in between them and spoil their relationship with God.
Times of trials and temptation she explained further are moments they are being tested to confirm if they are faithful only when things are good with them adding that in all of life’s troubles they are more than conqueror.
She cited scriptural examples of great women in the Bible who loved the Lord in their disappointment and blessings that followed them.
The women she said includes; Abigail, Hannah, Esther and Mary Magdalene.
Mary Magdalene she said is one of the greatest saints of the bible and a legendary example of God’s mercy and grace.
Abigail she explained further was a woman of good character and feared God but she found herself joined in Marriage with a foolish and evil man called Nabal but she didn’t lose hope on herself because her testimony of love translated to her commitment to God and her house hold.
Every Christian woman she advised should always be prepared for challenges that may turn their lives upside down adding that preparedness, determination and readiness to go through the bad times is a great christian virtue.
“Let us be determined that nothing shall separate us from God’s love and the love of Christ.
(Romans 8:35-39), she concluded.