Emmanuel Awari-Jalingo
ECOWAS and International Communities have been call upon to be cautious while taking decisions on Niger.
The Director Connectional Ministries Southern Conference of the United Methodist Church UMC, Rev. Micah Dopah stated this in an exclusive chat with our correspondent in Jalingo.
“What brings about Coups?, The reason is that Politicians are not living up to their promises.

“In Niger Republic when Soldiers took over power from a Democratic system of Government, the reaction of the masses in that Country, should there be yardstick that ECOWAS should have reacted to it.
“If a Soldier in Niger Republic would overthrow elected Democratic elected government and the masses are jubilanting, it means that they were passing through hell. If Democratic President would be harsh on it’s citizens,then there is need for the Military to come and help in rescue the masses from the hardship they’re passing through.
“As soon as the Niger Republic President was kept aside, the masses keep dancing and jubilanting and now ECOWAS want to use force to the person that librated citizens whom are passing through hardship, I don’t think that it is the right thing to do.
“ECOWAS and International Communities should allow Niger Soldiers to put things in order before coming back to Democratic system.
“The courses of Coups in Africa are Corruption, Bad leadership and aquiring massive wealth at the detriment of the masses by leaders.
“Some African leaders are not honest, they talk about children becoming leaders of tomorrow, but never allow them to play any role. In Africa, some leaders keep on amending their Country’s Constitution for them to remain in power for life.
“It is a shameful thing for a Country like Nigeria to use Budget on a yearly basis on State House Clinic, but Presidents of Nigeria are still going for medical treatment abroad places like Britain, France and other countries, very shameful.
“Those are some of the things that make Soldiers to stage a Coups in African Countries.
“Definitely, the entire world need Democratic system of Government. Our desire is that all Countries especially ECOWAS Countries should be Democratic system of Government, if at all the leaders would fear God.
“After the Coup in Niger Republic, President Bola Tinibu turn in making comments, maybe because he is the ECOWAS Chairman, for what reason, I don’t know.
He said that it is written in the Bible that one must remove the peck in your eye before removing that of anther person.
“I don’t think that our President, Bola Tinibu is qualify or have the latitude to talk on the Niger Republic Coup, because his election is still on contention (Court).
“I don’t know the formula used in electing President Bola Tinibu as the ECOWAS Chairman, love for corruption?, this means that they support corruption, election rigging.
“The Niger Coup leader, Abdourahamane Tchiani said there is no differences between Coup and election riggers, they have common destiny, all of them would end up in hell.
He advised ECOWAS and International Communities that dialogue should be the best means of solving the issue.
“Proper dialogue should come in and not ECOWAS to mobilize troups to go to Niger Republic and kill our Brothers, Sisters and Children and to shed Innocent blood – he said.