The Kingdom of David College of Apostles, Leadership and Governance, a Christian Faith Organization said it has come up with a platform to coordinate apostolic and high profile leadership, and professional in advancing ideas of the kingdom of God here on earth.
In an interview with the Founder, Bishop INNOCENT SOLOMON, elaborate on the activities of the Organization. Our Correspondent EMMANUEL AWARI, capture the interview, Excerpts:

For those who don’t know what is it all about, can you explain?
Solomon : It is a platform to coordinate apostolic and high profile leadership, professional & career efforts in advancing the ideals of the Kingdom of God on earth as prophetically outlined in the Holy Scripture concerning the Biblical kingdom of David. It is a coalition of top Christian ministry leaders in different fields of ministry in order to advocate, advance & promote global development efforts & positive change for the benefit of humankind.
Good Governance is mentioned, which type of governance (Political or Religious)?
Solomon : We are dealing with governance as an act or process of governing or overseeing the control and direction of organizations under our spheres of ministries, Religious organizations for the overall good of societies and the global community.
Global Leadership Conference,
a. Who might partispate?
Solomon :
-Bishops and Heads of Churches
-Heads of Institutions, Educationists from different denominations in the body of Christ
-Christian Professionals and Experts in different fields
-Those who are called or duly invited.
What are the requirements for participating?
Solomon : The requirements are to register formerly and pay necessary travelling and conference fees, flight tickets and your stay in Israel for the duration of the conference and pilgrimage.
How about Traveling to Jerusalem for participation, such as Passport, Visa, Accomodation, Feeding, International Transportation to and from Jerusalem and Local transportions while in Jerusalem?
Solomon : These are all part of the package for all participants. The Rubiruka Global Travel and Tours Nig. Ltd is the agency responsible for all documentations and travelling arrangements.
What do you have to add which was not asked during the interview?
Solomon :The Kingdom of David College of Apostles, Leadership and Governance was founded on 5-CORE OBJECTIVES:
- Raise Apostolic leaders in Ministry
- Build capacity for sound and ethical leadership
- Promote the highest kingdom principles and values for excellence in leadership, Business and Governance.
- Build and strengthen International networks of Apostolic leadership worldwide
- Fulfill the Kingdom of David on earth according to Scriptures.
- Righteousness
- Peace, Joy and Harmony of all things
- Equity and Justice
- Prosperity for all and
- Eternal life and glory forever.
Conference’s strategic goals:
- To provide a platform for relevant stakeholders to engage
- To Educate, sensitise and mobilize leaders for strategic global actions
- To Build the capacity of Church leaders and strengthen actions to foster peace, security and development for all.
- To support Israel and the Church community in Israel and the Middle East.
- To Provide opportunities for collaboration and networking towards realizing a peaceful and secured earth.
- To visit Holy sites for collective prayers and meditations.
- To reach out and provide support to the poor, vulnerable and the aged in Israel and Palestine.