And Rabbi Ben Shemang of VON Retires in Grand Style.

Rabbi Ben Shemang ,
Yesterday you wrote “Retirement Sweet Fa” and I smiled.
I smiled because you might be retired, but your restless spirit of excellence, professionalism and creativity is riding high on adrenaline and dopamine.
You are retired but restlessly not tired.
It was about this time, a week ago that I dragged myself into your surprise Retirement party and soaked in all the words and roses that were offered in your honour 🎖 in your lifetime.
I had shared my thoughts about you but one which I will reecho here is that ” There will never be another Ben Shemang”! Bosses in your mould come once in a work span and I can only pray that the very ones you sprinkled lessons dust on, passes it on.

Rabbi Ben Shemang of VON cuts his retirement Cake

I am grateful to God, that you did not retire while I was in Lagos; I would have missed out on drinking from your pot of professionalism and wisdom.
I pray I impact many more souls than you have done Rabbi because e get why!

Congratulations Rabbi Ben Shemang on successfully retiring from VON.

May your later days be greater Sir.
Thank you for your brand of Leadership and for being a detribalised Sholio Man.
Etubom Ben, Mazi Shemang, Otunba Ben, I know you will have an assignment for me soon. See you then Sir.
Best wishes,
Glory Uzoamaka Ohagwu



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