The Story of A Striving Nigerian Female Journalist

By Osaruonanmen Ibizugbe

It is a privilege to announce that I have acquired a new certification from RNTC on ‘Media Campaigns for Social Change and Advocacy’.

Osaruonanmen Ibizugbe

From meeting and mingling with like-minded Social Change Activists from around the world to experiencing new foods and creating memories, my RNTC experience was nothing short of amazing.

The adventures that came after the course learning, which was by the way eye-opening, honestly weren’t something I had planned for. The diversified team of instructors who were adequately knowledgeable in the topics of curses was what most caught my attention, in my opinion.

Cross Section of Course participants with Resource Persons

The seminar deconstructed the numerous elements of creating effective campaigns, from defining your target question and audience to crafting your persuasive aim. The training also employed several practical activities that enhanced the learning.

The proud Participants thanks to RNTC

I want to thank RNTC once more for including me in their list of scholarship recipients for the orange knowledge program.

A heartfelt thank you to Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development for giving me the chance to take part in this life changing program.

media #campaign #socialchange #advocacy

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